Jeremias Maneiro

President, JMan Seminars

About this speaker

Jeremias "JMan” Maneiro, is a REALTOR® of 16 years from Rochester, New York, and he and his wife make up the Maneiro Team-Your Real Estate SuperHeroes. In addition, Maneiro owns JMan Seminars and has engaged online and in-person audiences worldwide with his infectious energy, improvisation and spontaneous hilarity. His outside-the-box antics will have you wondering, "What will he do next?" You will be invigorated, motivated and exhilarated with every session. JMan cannot sit still for any length of time and won't let you do it either. Maneiro is a CEO (Chief Edutainment Officer) the likes of which you’ve never seen before.

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Agent Track: How to Improve Your Value Proposition to Avoid Discounting Your Services

September 14, 2021, 06:05 PM
David Knox Jack Cotton Rebecca Thomson Jeremias Maneiro