About this speaker
Brian grew up in the Dayton area and moved to Cleveland after graduating from Bowling Green State University in 2001. Since then, he has made Cleveland his home. Brian took a chance with real estate in 2002 and after a short few months he realized his passion. There was nothing better than experiencing the excitement and pride of helping others with home ownership. Brian learned the grind of real estate early on and understands what it takes to be successful. With that knowledge, he built a wide network in Cleveland and building a team was the next step. Now, Brian leads a team of full-time agents whose success is based upon Brian’s philosophy of creating
an amazing client experience from start to finish in order to build life-long relationships. Technology is nothing new to The Salem Team as it has always been an important investment for the Team. Brian prides himself on his marketing videos, impeccable photography, and overall creative approach to marketing. Some may call him the Brian “Kardashian” of real estate as he loves to share all aspects of his daily
routine through Social Media. You may see him previewing a home, building Legos with his son, boating with his family on Lake Erie or cycling with his favorite Peloton instructor. Check him out @thesalemteam.