DeAnn Golden

Senior Vice President, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties

About this speaker

DeAnn Golden, a native of Athens, Georgia, participated in her first open house in 1978 as the daughter of a seasoned real estate broker. In 1995, she entered the real estate business herself after obtaining a Master of Business Administration degree at the University of Georgia. Enjoying her 26th year in the industry, Golden has proudly worn many name badges: assistant, marketing coordinator, sales associate, business development, trainer, school director, recruiter, company coach and managing broker. She was responsible for launching and leading two highly productive smart office concepts, attracting nearly 100 sales associates to each office setting of less than 2,600 square feet. She presently serves as senior vice president and regional manager of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties. Her passion for coaching and training has been a hallmark of her career. Golden was recognized as a 2020 RISMedia Newsmaker in the Inspirations category. She also served as the 2019 president of the Atlanta REALTORS® Association. She has held many other leadership roles at the local, state and national levels.

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Broker Track: Revving Up Revenue: New Ways to Increase Profitability

September 14, 2021, 06:35 PM
DeAnn Golden Larry Flick V Felicia Hengle Jim Fite Anthony Lamacchia