About this speaker

Donna Smith has more than 40 years of real estate experience, including 25 years as broker in charge at C Dan Joyner REALTORS. She is active in the community, serving as chair at Greer Middle High Charter School and on the Greenville Hospital authority board to help ensure the best healthcare for her region. Smith is also extremely active in her local, state and national REALTOR associations, where she has served on many committees, including forming the insurance committee for NAR and testifying before congress on flood insurance. As part of team22, Smith will serve as a liaison for public and federal issues for NAR. Additionally, Smith is proud to say that her husband and three daughters serve as REALTORS as well.

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Agent Track: Building (and Sticking to!) a Strong Business Plan for 2022

September 14, 2021, 08:00 PM
Sasha Tripp Donna Smith Craig Wilburn