Marki Lemons Ryhal

REALTORS® Conference Speaker, ReMarkiTable LLC

About this speaker

One of 100 speakers selected from more than 500 to speak at the REALTOR® Conference & Expo with high program evaluations, Marki Lemons-Ryhal is a licensed managing broker, REALTOR®, avid volunteer, major donor, and international best-selling author of “The Modern Real Estate Professionals Guide to Success.” In 2019, Lemons Ryhal was nominated as an RISMedia Real Estate Newsmaker and inducted into the REBAC Hall of Fame. Lemons-Ryhal is dedicated to all things real estate. With 30 years of marketing experience, she has taught more than 500,000 people (face-to-face and virtually) how to earn up to a 2,682 percent return on their marketing dollars. Lemons-Ryhal holds a Bachelor of Science in Management from Chicago State University, a Master’s in Business Administration from Saint Xavier University, and 60 real estate-related licenses, certifications and designations.

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Agent Track: From TikTok to Instagram, How Creative Videos Are Changing the Game for Agents

September 14, 2021, 08:30 PM
Alina Gibbs Marki Lemons Ryhal Michele Bee Bellisari